Members can track the status of their payments through the Payments page.
Our payment tracking tool (PACTs) will display one of the following categories:
On Hold: A payment may be put on hold for a number of reasons and they are:
Waiting for Tax form - Topcoder has not yet received the payment recipient’s tax form.
Waiting for affirmed Affidavit - The payment is attached to an affidavit that has not yet been affirmed.
Attached to Parent - The payment is associated with another payment that is on hold for one of the above reasons.
Owed: This payment is ready to be paid. (A member can request the release of payment, after the payment release date)
Accruing: The recipient has not reached his/her current threshold for payment disbursement.
Entered into payment system: The payment has been transferred from PACTS into Topcoder’s accounting software.
Paid: indicates that TopCoder has distributed the payment, though the member may not yet have received it.
Expired: The payment will not be paid.